Jessica Barnaschone
Early years adviser, infant massage, baby and toddler yoga and tummy time instructor trainer
Jessica is an experienced and practising primary school teacher and further education tutor, with a specialism in Early Years education. She has over 18 years of experience working with children of all ages and is passionate about helping parents and carers to lay good foundations with their child from the early stages of childhood.
Jessica is our in house Early Years Consultant at To Baby and Beyond, this makes sure we are up to date with the latest research and developments in education and child development. She has a sound understanding of current national frameworks and policies and also endeavours to familiarise herself with international frameworks in order to meet the needs of our international students. Jessica uses this knowledge to provide specialist support and guidance to To Baby and Beyond and inform our courses and professional development provision.
As a mother of a young family, Jessica had first-hand experience of the positive impact that baby massage could have upon the nurturing and development of a child. This positive experience with baby massage inspired Jessica to train as an Infant Massage Instructor. She really enjoys applying and developing her 14 years of teaching skills with new parents and has built up well-attended regular classes in Greater London. She has also found that home-visiting parents and their babies is becoming increasingly popular and she really enjoys engaging with local families in this way.
Jessica facilitates the infant massage, baby yoga and toddler yoga instructor courses in London and across the South East. She is also our distance and online learning lead tutor for the instructor courses.
"Being an instructor has allowed me to achieve the flexibility that I wanted around my young children. I have been able to create my own timetable and work as little or as much as I have wanted to suit my family's needs over the years. Running classes for families in my local area has also allowed me to build a community of parents and I feel incredibly privileged to have been a part of new friendships made and support networks created. It has been wonderful to facilitate meaningful moments between parents and their children and to share useful strategies which parents can use on a day to day basis. Training to be an infant massage instructor 7 years ago has been one of the best decisions I have ever made and has led to so many exciting opportunities, including teaching for To Baby and Beyond. I cannot wait to see where the next 7 years will take me on my instructor journey."