Claire Currie
Infant massage and baby yoga instructor trainer
Claire is a qualified health visitor, general and mental health nurse as well as Level 3 Pre and Postnatal fitness instructor.
She has been running her successful postnatal support business ‘For Baby and Me’ since 2008.
Claire is passionate about working with families, empowering women to feel confident, healthy and positive in their role as a new mum. She is able to use her skills as a health visitor and nurse as well as her experience as a mum to deliver evidence-based classes within a supportive, friendly and caring framework.
Claire is married and has two grow-up daughters and a dog! She’s passionate about health and well-being and enjoys running, walking and eating well. She also likes gin and is part of a group who organise a local annual gin festival!
Claire teaches Infant Massage and Toddler Yoga instructor courses with To Baby and Beyond.